Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Beauty Garage Co., Ltd. and its group companies (the companies listed here; hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Group"), the Group includes customers who use the services of the Group. In consideration of the importance of personal information of all people who provide personal information to us, we will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and other norms, and will establish and implement a privacy policy including the following matters.

Article 1. Collection of personal information

The Group includes personal information such as the store name, company name, department in charge, person in charge, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, etc. of the customer (including prospective customers obtained from the disclosed information), and the Company. We will collect and use information such as transaction history with.

Article 2. Purpose of use of personal information

The Group will use each personal information provided for the following purposes.

To deliver products, send catalogs and DMs, send faxes and e-mails, related services and after-sales services, and inform you of information about new products.
To deliver the best deals on our mail-order and other related services and operations
Various contacts and inquiries necessary for business
* All customer information acquired by the Group is provided at the will of the customer. Please note that we may refuse to use the service if we cannot provide all or part of the information we obtain in connection with the use of the service.

Article 3. Shared use of personal information

The Group will share personal information as follows.

Items of personal information used jointly
Items described in Article 1
Range of people who use it jointly
Company of our group (Companies listed here.)
However, for overseas corporations, this privacy policy will be applied to the extent that it does not conflict with local law.
Purpose of use of the user
Purpose of use described in Article 2
Person responsible for the management of shared personal information
Beauty Garage Co., Ltd.
Article 4. Provision and deposit of personal information
The Group will not provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases.

With your consent
When requesting or outsourcing the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use to a related business consignment company of the Group that has a non-disclosure agreement regarding personal information
If you need to contact a personal credit bureau to investigate and confirm your solvency
When there is an inquiry from a credit card company to investigate card fraud
When it is necessary to respond to the provision of information based on the laws and regulations of courts, etc.
When permitted by other laws and regulations

Article 5. Acquisition and use of cookies, access logs, etc.

In addition to the provisions of Article 1, the Group includes cookies to inform customers of recommended products and services of the Group, to improve the services of the Group, to deliver advertisements, etc. We collect and use your identification information, activity history information on the site, and information about your computer and connection information (including but not limited to your personal information). In addition, we may acquire information that can be obtained with standard technology on the Internet and use it for analysis work.

If you do not want to receive information collection using cookies, you can refuse it by setting your browser, but in that case you will not be able to receive some of the services provided by this service.

For various settings and opt-out, please check and set on the setting page of each company.

・ Advertising settings of Google Inc.

・ Advertising settings of Yahoo Japan Corporation

・ Facebook ad settings

・ Advertising settings for LINE Corporation

・ MarketOne ad settings

・ Kaizen Platform


・ Criteo ad settings
We will provide Criteo Co., Ltd. with processing information that cannot identify individuals. Criteo Co., Ltd. is a service that delivers personalized advertising emails and other advertisements to users who browse services (websites, apps, email magazines) provided by advertisers. Criteo uses cookies or other tracking technologies to serve personalized advertising based on your browsing history.
For more information about Criteo and how to opt out, please go to the Criteo Sponsored Products page below.

・ Heat map analysis tool User Heat settings
Provides mouse operation data on the website to User Local Co., Ltd. We do not provide keyboard input data, personal information such as name and email address, and transaction history. Please see below for the "User Heat" terms of use and privacy policy.

Article 6. Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Group may change or revise all or part of this privacy policy without notice in order to properly use and protect personal information or to respond to changes in laws and regulations.

Article 7. Contact information for inquiries, corrections, suspension of use, deletion, etc. of personal information

When there is a request for inquiries, corrections, suspension of use, erasure, etc. of personal information, the Group will promptly respond after confirming the identity of the individual by the prescribed procedure. For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact us from the inquiry window on our website.